Bryce K

Bryce K

Colby Hyde

Colby Hyde

Cameron Karl

Cameron Karl

Quincy Ann

Quincy Ann

Sydney Lin

Sydney Lin

January 20 2009

We hit the ground running with the new year! It is nice to be back to a routine. All three boys are playing basketball right now & enjoying it very much! They also picked up piano lessons again! This is Cameron's debut with both! Quincy is back in preschool and dance. Baby Sydney is cuter,rounder, and happier than ever! All of my children are a joy! They are truly really great kids!

Brian continues to work hard with his Physical Therapy Clinic and I am continually trying to find time for myself to exercise on a consistant basis.... I have to remind myself when frustrated that there is a season for everything. Unfortunately, my kids will be grown before I know it!

I want my husband and children to know how much I love and appreciate them! You are the best!